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February 14, 2005


Dan Ramirez

Tara, I kept getting a message indicating that my post could not be posted. I tried eight times! Guess what!


Dan - thank you for your eight messages! While trying to delete seven of them I deleted them all by mistake - and it was such a fine message. Please do try and write it again!

Dan Ramirez

Hey Tara, Thank you for the wonderful "journey" through the gates. My gallery dealer went to the openning and I've yet to hear from him. So this was a real treat.You have a wonderful ambiance and pace to your description.Thanks again for the "journey." Must be a part of mine!

Richard Lawrence Cohen

Really nice description and photos, Tamar. I won't get to see the gates themselves and your post has alerted me to pay more attention to them before they come down.


Yeah, I am, glad if I could give you even a glimpse of the "amazingness" of the exhibit!


Tamar: Really beautiful post and evocative photos. Makes me miss Central Park!

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