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May 01, 2005


The Lady

Musty is VERY excited about completing his first meme! He wants me to help him when I get home from work today.


Yes, thanks for the invitation. I surely will complete the "meme" as soon as I can. (I've been working on my final paper for school for about a week now, and have been away from the blog.) Thanks for thinking of me!


'Twould be my pleasure! Shall post Monday evening (my time).

Richard Lawrence Cohen

I don't know what a meme is either, but I'd be glad to learn by doing.


Now that you've taken away my reason for whining, I suppose I must participate. **sigh**... oops... whining again...

Richard Lawrence Cohen

Clarification on the Fahrenheit 451 reference:

In that book, it's true, books get burned, but there's an underground cult of people who preserve books by memorizing them, one book per person. So, for example, one person "is" ROBINSON CRUSOE, another person "is" BLEAK HOUSE, etc. So the question means, "Which book would you want to memorize?" So you gave a good answer without understanding the question -- which is how I always did so well on tests.

I've seen others misunderstand this question, and in fact it's a poorly written question, in my opinion as a professional educational writer.


Oh wonderful! Thanks for the clarification, Richard, and good luck to all of you "meme-ing" out there!

Old Horsetail Snake

A "meme" is a double "me." Meaning, that the writer of a meme is going to tell all about "me" -- in spades. In other words, it's all about "me! me!". Ain't that cute?


That is certainly very cute! Thanks for stopping by Old Horsetail Snake Am honored.


Hi Boss!

re: Cat Blogs-- I have been reading this cat's blog (Abbie and sometimes Martha, actual cats) for a few years:

meme defined:

Coincidentally, I just read an interesting Salon article/interview about/with Richard Dawkins, the guy who came up with the word "meme" ("The atheist--Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins explains why God is a delusion, religion is a virus, and America has slipped back into the Dark Ages"). Interesting bit about children and religion in it.

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