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May 18, 2005



Now you've gone and made me hungry! And I just had breakfast!!


I know how you feel, David!

As I was re-reading the piece for errors I became quite hungry myself. I had to run to the kitchen and hastily prepare myself a bowl of rasberry, blueberry, strawberry, apple, banana, dates, pine-nuts and orange juice salad with "a touch of" soy strawberry shake - as I completed the post!


Ah. Ah, I always have something (though often quite a difficult and complex thing) with other Geminis. I mean, I don't believe in that stuff, but...


I also don't believe in that stuff, but ... so what's your sign?


I said 'other Geminis'...


Oh my! Jean, I didn't see that! How fabulous! When are you? Or is that a secret?


I am a gemini too Tamar - my birthday is the day before yours. Not that I can be bothered with any of the astrology stuff. Unless of course my stars say I am due to come into serious good fortune.....but they never do, so I am sticking with my position on horoscopes. The meal you described sounds wonderful - so beautifully described that I could smell it cooking. The wine smelt good too, and such a lovely deep colour!


Hurrah! Another one of the terrible twins! Not that we could be bothered with astrology stuff, I know. Yeah, it appears that the dinner was indeed scrumptious from the looks of the life-partner's latest e-mail! Thanks, franchini.


I can just smell the duck cooking. This has to be my favorite.


I am still waiting eagerly for the duck recipe, but, hmph! Nappy40 hasn't posted it as promised yet.

Your dinner sounds wonderful.

BTW, I found some measuring spoons that, instead of being in teaspoons, tablespoons, etc. are labeled "dash" "pinch" and "smidgen." You should get yourself some of those. :)

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