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June 05, 2005



Great 60s black and white photos. They look like outtakes from a Beatles movie! I expect you and Dina to stand up and start demonstrating the Twist for the kids!


I love Danny's comment! ;)


And yet, I think it was 1971 ... is that still the sixties?


Yes, as far as I'm concerned, the 60s lasted until the 1972 presidential election and Watergate!

Ronni Bennett

Look at that great smile. It hasn't changed in all these years.


Beautiful photos - you both look so elegant.


franchini: Thanks for the compliment.

Ronni: Thanks for recognizing me : )

What I see when I look at those photos is the memory of loving those little children so much. I learned most of what I know about participating and collaborating with parents of young children in those days as well. The early childhood foundation was laid for my future life's work!


Yes, for me too, the 60s lasted until the end of 1972. Here in Australia, however, it was not Watergate but a change of government from conservative to liberal which changed the entire landscape overnight. It was like living in a B&W film that was colourised.


Julie: What a great analogy to create with that!

It reminds me of the movie, "Pleasantville." It is amazing as the color creeps into their lives slowly, bit by bit as they begin to express emotions, including rage!


Lovely pictures. Sheer happiness as it looks.

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