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June 12, 2005



Yes, we should be nicer to ourselves, it's so easy being too hard.

Have you seen Mamma Mia, the musical? I saw it in London this winter. It's great and filled with so much good music and happiness, I really reccomend it.


Oh my, I'm remembering what a friend of yours wrote here about your ability to evoke tingly feelings...


Thanks Ella and Jean!

I sometimes wonder if learning to treat myself with respect and love is narcissism?


If that's narcissism, then it's certainly GOOD narcissism! If only we could learn to treat ourselves the way we treat others. If I subjected Leah to the constant stream of ugly criticism and judgment that I lay on myself every day I'd be guilty of child abuse. At those moments when I'm torturing myself with self-hatred I've been trying to imagine that I'm my own child so that I can find some compassion.


What you are implementing is what cognitive therapists call "positive self talk". And it's proven to be effective.

Studies of depression show that medications by themselves and cognitive therapy by itself do OK when used. Apply the two together and you have a powerful combination.

Balance those neurotransmitters! Tell yourself that you are a good person! Treat yourself well!

(Just watch out about preparing huge feasts in your honor and eating them all by yourself.) :D


Your ABBA song reminded me of another that I love -- the Police's "Message in a Bottle," which ends with Sting singing over and over, "Sendin' out an SOS
Sendin' out an SOS
Sendin' out an SOS
Sendin' out an SOS

I hope that someone gets my
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bot-tle . . .

With that wonderful unsentimental reggae harmony.

A blog is like a message in a bottle, isn't it? Be a good name for a blog. (Bet there already is one.)


Danny: I know. Isn't it amazing? If we sometimes talked the way we talk to ourselves, to our children - it would be considered child abuse! And yet, BECAUSE we see ourselves that way, I fear, we DO sometimes actually talk to children that way. I mean, how, otherwise, did we come to have these messages in our heads in the first place?

Joel: Indeed, what a powerful combination it must be! I am smiling now thinking about the "feast in my honor" notion. Leanne suggested in her comment at my "Old Friends" posting that my "feasts" are rather small lately - so right now the idea of a huge chocolate cake in my honor is a powerful image! The question is: would it really be doing myself a favor? I mean - as in treating myself well?

Amba: I thought about that Police's S.O.S. song as I put the ABBA one up! In fact, as I was typing I was singing the other. Wonderful! And oh my goodness yes - I do think blogging is a lot like a "message in a bottle." The metaphor brought tears to my eyes - as your writing so often does for me!

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