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June 14, 2005



I'd find that exhilerating and shocking! I haven't run into anyone from my hometown who blogs, but then, it wasn't either the most literate or most bold community.


Hmmm, it reminds me something. How's your South Beach Project going??


Leanne: I replied to you in an e-mail (blushing now). I also refer to your question in my comment to Joel at my "Making friends with me" posting.

Joel: Actually Mimi isn't blogging at this stage (see her questions in my "Update" of Old Friends). Our community was a great mixture of literate and bold as well as NOT!


You'd probably be read avidly if you blogged about the South Beach Diet! A lot of my time and attention is spent trying and mostly failing to eat better and exercise more - I have no energy, I'm 2 or 3 stones overweight and I noted last night that my stomach is starting to get in the way when I cut my toenails, which really freaks me out as I was extremely slim until about forty when I began to slowly and steadily to pile on the pounds. On the other hand, I think at some level I revel in looking more and mre unlike my always-slim mother. I've so far refrained from blogging about this, but perhaps I should. Also, I was wondering why you walk and run on a treadmill when you live next to a lovely park - is it not safe to go there alone?


Ah Jean, oh dear, yes - soon I need to dedicate a post about the South Beach Diet to my dear friend, Leanne who is now feeling mortified that she mentioned it - and so she should, dear person! I adore the description of putting on the pounds and being unable to cut your toe-nails. I can relate to it so well!

In answer to the treadmill question which is, I might say, an excellent one, that touches me deeply to realize that you "noticed": lately I feel like I get a really good work-out on the treadmill. Plus, the park is so beautiful and new, I like to concentrate on the natural surroundings and not power-walk through it.

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