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July 08, 2005


Mary Godwin

You end your post with "but then again I have often been called naive and idealistic." If I am reading in these words a counter/balance to the spirit of the post, a sense in these words that you might be hoping for "too much" when you suggest that we could find ways to stop yelling at one another, to sit down together, to weep, to mourn, and to struggle together for ways to be better people ... if you meant to suggest in your final words that to strive for all of this is naive and idealistic and that being so is somehow weaker/less than/impoverished of "real" sensibility, "real" power ... then I think you're wrong, not about being naive... I think you are. Not about being idealistic... you certainly are, but about whether or not this is the "lesser" position. It certainly is NOT. Ok... I've rambled, and I don't have the emotional energy or the time to go back, revise this response, and make it look wonderfully presentable, but I'll try a more approach to my thinking before giving up altogether: You have it right, I think, in times like these to be naive and idealistic. Times of great horror, fear, and terror take as their first victim , first casualty the hope born from/in naivety and idealism, and if you can hold on to these perspectives in spite of the times, if you can maintain your hope and endure the pain of seeing those hopes dashed again and again against the walls of hatred yet continue to believe in finding a way for all of us, then, my dear friend, you are a national treasure, and we need to keep you as safe as we can for as long as we can. We will need all that you have to give us of the hope that remains when the dust clears. ... only good things atcha. -mg


I am deeply moved by your response. Yes, I agree to be your "national treasure" with all due humility and honor. For I think we need to hold on to our ideals and what others term "naivete" with all our might and mane through this darkening age. Thank you so much for your comment.


How sad that you've been insulted for expessing these views. Thank you for not shutting up, and much love. Damn, you made me cry again. I've written in my blog about the other woman who made me cry today.


I wrote to you at your site. We all have much to weep about. Let us gather strength in that because it deepens our compassion.


He's chosen a difficult path, but a worthy one.
I suspect you won't see anyone like him in the U.S. anytime soon.

Mark Daniels

I was so glad to read your post. Having heard about the Yavin documentary in a report on NPR this past week, I was primed to read your impressions. Hopefully, we'll have the opportunity to see it here in the States soon.

Irrespective of people's positions on the settlements, Yavin is deserving of commendation for tackling an "unmentionable" subject, one that sparks controversy everywhere.

Thank you again for this post!


Always Question: Yes, it was a terrific piece of journalism - just laying out what his camera saw and heard. So gut level and real. Way too uncomfortable for the sterile media coverage we are fed these days.

Mark, thanks for the heads-up about the NPR story - I just found and listened to it:
Yes, I very much admire people for having the courage to take on those "unmentionable" topics that so desperately need mentioning.


Your Trilogy, from Part I - Personal, to Part II - Community, to Part III - Global, should be recognized along with you as, in Mary Godwin's words, "a national treasure." Thank you so much for sharing all of this in such an open and caring way! I stand with you, and you with me, and all of us together. We may be defeated, but our ideals will not be easily swept aside, and in the end will prevail.


Tamar, I so much appreciate and resonate with all that you wrote about this as well as your account of the reunion with your mother and your friends. And I wish I could see that
documentary. From your description of it and its maker, it seems to me that he, and others like him, are the real heroes , the leaders we lack, the inspiration and motivation we need. The words you quoted apply not only to Israel but to the whole world at present:
"....we have all created a situation that is horrific - causing pain and tragedy to every side. It is enormous and complex and we all have a responsibility to find a solution that puts an end to the suffering of everyone. Our responsibility lies in becoming aware of all the facts, developing compassion, learning to listen to one another, and fighting for justice for human rights for everyone."


Winston, thank you for such kind words about my reports of the past weeks. It is heart warming to know that there are lots of us "out there" - sort of like candles in the dark with "ideals prevailing." UPDATE: I am really grateful for the link and even more kind words over at your website.

It moved me deeply and am almost speechless ...

Dear Natalie,
I am so glad to hear from you. I have been wondering how you are with all that is happening in your personal and "city" life. Thank you for resonating with me through all of my story.

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