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July 17, 2005



These things are difficult. But you explain them in a really good way Tamar. It seems to me that you know yourself, and that you don't try to suppress your feelings.


If we can see the routines that aren't helping us be all we can be (& I wrote rutines, interestingly) then perhaps we have a chance to change them enough to make a difference in the relationships in our lives... a very thought-provoking post, Tamar, thank you. xo


I once read a book by John Bradshaw, "Homecoming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child," who said that we commit a type of violence to children if we do not confront our own childhood issues. I agree with him.

Richard Lawrence Cohen

Reading Bradshaw was eye-opening for me a few years ago, Tamar. Since you're in the field, I assume you've read other things of his, but I especially recommend HEALING THE SHAME THAT BINDS YOU. How sad that shame should be the key to so many of our lives.


Yes, I have read that one too, Richard. He pretty much opened my eyes when I read him many years ago. It's quite a miraculous feeling, shedding the shame, little bit by little bit...

I try to keep away from people who use "shaming" as a way of communication. Just too painful - just presses too many buttons.

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