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August 29, 2005


Mark  Daniels

I wish you well, Tamar.


Yes, I hope it all goes well for you today! ;-)


I'm thinking of you Tamar. You will be fine. Everyone gets nerves on their first day. But once you settle in and everyone gets to know you for just being YOU it will all be OK. ((hugs))


First day jitters? You'll do fine. ***sending good thoughts your way***


Thanks for all these good wishes. How grand to return home in the evening to find you all here with me!


You are there to teach, to impart knowledge. That is what you do. That is what you are well prepared to do.

The students are there to learn from you. That is what they do. They will judge you by what you teach them and how interesting you make the process, not by the color of your hair or how much you weigh.

It is that simple. Live it that way. You will be a success. Stay In Confidence!


Hope it's a memorable day, too! You'd be a great teacher to have, those lucky students. xo


So it looks like you have passed your first day test. We know you can! Will wait for you to share your beautiful stories...when you have time, Dr. T. J.

Mary Godwin

Yes! You deserve it. Best atcha, Tamar. -mg


Oh Tamar, I do know those contradictory voices within! We can't shut them up entirely but at least we can expose them, let them out of their hiding place, make fun of them. You know you'll be fine, that's the voice which makes sense. Looking forward to reading about your new experiences.

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