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August 04, 2005



Thanks. :)


Thanks for the cite, Tamar!
My ideas on what pushed the button in the instant life began are no more valid than anyone else's; but if someone is going to teach my grandkid that everything since then was intelligently designed then there are some explanations required.


Now is the time for us to speak up and out about this, Always Question ... and to ALWAYS QUESTION ... lest we fall into the darkest of ages.

adriana bliss

Wonderful links, Tamar. Questioning has been the rule in our house when it comes to larger questions of life.

We demand however that he never question our rules! (Oy the impossible dilemna of intelligent parenting).

adriana bliss

(More problems with editing)

By "he" I'm talking about my older son who always questions us...on every point. Lordy.


Adriana, Impossible indeed!
The dilemna of intelligent parenting... I mean.


Thanks for the link. You may like to know I have now posted a picture of the dreaded ice-cream on my blog! ;)

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