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August 06, 2005



It is fascinating how we share our innermost thoughts and our writing at its freshest and sometimes most raw with each other and with strangers... and, yes, we all come to this personal space to reveal ourselves to each other in our ordinary and profound ways. I feel privileged to be part of your inner world, Tamar! xo


Thank you, Brenda. I love that you are a part of it too, just as I love being a part of yours.

When I wrote this post I was feeling quite elated at the thought of it. So I'm touched that somehow you "heard" that through my words and responded with yours.
Especially: "...and, yes, we all come to this personal space to reveal ourselves to each other in our ordinary and profound ways."

I may have to use that as a quote of the day one of these days!


I found this post interesting, I suspect because I have taken a different tack with my blog, which is not about my innermost feelings because I am conscious that I may be 'tracked down' by colleagues who would then see me in a different light. Instead, my blog is just one aspect of me, the 'me' that loves buildings and places and food and drink, the 'me' that occasionally likes to have a rant, the 'me' who likes to share my tastes in music and books with others, the 'me' who loves to take photographs and post them online.

Sometimes I wish I could be more personally revealing, but I'm not about to take that risk. While I do try to keep my blog a secret, my partner, my family and a handful of friends are aware of it. I guess if I really want to 'open up' it will be the safer pen-and-paper option for me! ;)


Most of my family don't read my blog, actually. Only one sister does regularly. T and my son look at it if I tell them there's a piece I'd like them to see.

A blogger friend told me recently that they judge what they post by how it would look on the front page of the New York Times - as whether it is appropriate to print on their blog - or not.

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