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September 09, 2005



Oh, oh, I see a verve and a fast rhythm and a laughter in your words here that I didn't see before, and how much you thrive on being back at work! I'm glad for you. And glad that you'll still be blogging.


Jean, I have a twinkle in my eye and it's twinkling at you! That's because of your support and for being there. Am off to the airport to pick up the sissy.


What a novel idea! Blogging a letter to your blog...

Tamar, whatever you're smoking, I want some...

So glad you decided you could handle work AND all of us who listen for the sound of your voice.

Gemma Grace

My tail's wagging :) Happy to hear you're happy.


Winston, it's life in the fifties that I'm smoking ... an amazing time ... wouldn't have missed it for the world! Hey, aren't you doing the same?

Gemma, I love the image!


Here, on behalf of your bloggie, is a hug. You know I can do this shape-shift thing, so I can turn into your blog, or dog, and show you how appreciated you are.


Hey, Natalie! I would love to see an illustration of my bloggie and doggie done by YOU! Oh my!


Lovely post, Tamar. Have a great time with sister Sue!


Hello there, Fay - we were pleased to see you had dropped by!

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