Maybe if I write in my blog this morning I'll get some ideas for what to speak about today in class. Sometimes I feel as if I have nothing left to say and then as I start, words seem to come to me from somewhere inside my brain, stomach, chest, heart, mind. How does that happen? Mostly by association, I think. One thing leads to another. It is so important to recognize, support and accept those associative ramblings that students or children share. Those are the precious moments when people make connections with former life experiences, understand concepts or see the light! And yet we always seem to say, "No, that's not what I was talking about. You are off topic." Dreams do that. Ramble on with associative thoughts, connections, symbols that lead us all over the place. T and I talk about our dreams. We ask each other how they make us feel and support the self-explorations until quite often one or the other of us goes, "Aha!" Nothing earth shattering. Just a little more understanding of what we are thinking about, planning, fearing, wishing for perhaps.
Yesterday, in class, we had a discussion. Students shared comments and questions about articles and such that I had given them to read. They were full of self-exploration and wonderings and when I drove home I sighed with joy. Education was happening. Yes, indeed, after only six weeks, they were beginning to question, really question, what they were seeing, and making connections with why they were doing what they were doing with developing knowledge, life experience and practice.
Today's course is all about how teachers learn to value and communicate with the many diverse families of young children. So maybe this time we should just make a circle with our chairs and face each other. And let's talk about our own families: How they love and how they rage; how they discipline and what they fear; how they share and when they are silent; how they celebrate and what are some secrets; dreams and myths, shattered hopes; expectations, religious beliefs, and emotional expression. Let's get to know our own diversities within the classroom community a little bit more today. Put aside the books, words of wisdom, power point, legislation, history, sociology, and just share who we all are.
The students loved watching the movie, Crash, and writing a reaction paper to me for extra credit. It helped bump up their lousy test scores, but, more importantly, they were filled with wonder at what happens when we fear strangers. Let's learn what happens when we become less strange with one another, and strip away those assumptions and stereotypes we've been developing these past weeks.
Families. Ah, I feel an associative rambling coming on. Family. Belonging and exclusion. Conditions and expectations. Love and rage. Alienation. Loneliness. Yes, 17 years ago, I had to travel far, far away from my family. Physically, emotionally and psychologically.
To survive before I became completely crazed.
To find out who I am.
To cut the umbilical chord to my mind.
But, still, sometimes, a wave of sadness and longing comes over me.
Ah.........isn't memory wonderful. I try to never leave home without it. Beautiful memories you share with us Tamar. Even those that are only a few hours and days old sound like universal templates of the mind. A sing song of life's movement through space. Thanks.
Posted by: dan ramirez | October 19, 2005 at 08:15 PM
So lovely to have you back in our blog world. Your site is looking better than ever!
Thanks so much for this beautiful comment. Much appreciated.
Posted by: Tamar | October 20, 2005 at 07:12 AM