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October 29, 2005



Lately I've been thinking that it's intellectual laziness.
Of course, saying that you're pro-life and being willing to kill anyone who disagrees makes no sense; but people don't think about what they hear... or what they say.


I wonder if we're in shock. The shock of living in bizarro world. What was wrong and immoral a few years ago isn't wrong now.


I wonder if we have just become lazy from eating good food and exhausted from shopping - just too comforatble to do anything about anything?


When I read the update, I sit here; I see the contradiction, and I feel afraid that these are the people we look to for leadership. And I can't help but recall the photo of soldiers raising the Mac in another post. Seems that nothing matters except enormous profits, and these lives are being lost not in upholding an ideal we all treasure and share, but the goals of the few. Can't say any more, cos tears are asking for a hankie.


Tamar, you have expressed precisely what I feel. No more to add.

sherry Stewart

It is really bothersome, the entire dialogue about abortion, birth control, so innane. I was driving to the NW when the pope was in Denver, listening on the radio for some intelligent discussion, yet no one seemed to be able to think clearly, not the opposing side, certainly not the Catholic side. It is a simple thing.

As far birth control and the church, if you use any method, isn't your desire to prevent birth all the same, if sex is only for procreation?

So what difference does it make if it is natural or artificial birth control, doesn't it issue form the same need? Isn't that simple? Why all this rule making, except to hold control?

The basic problem is that both sides of the abortion issue want to be right more than they want to create a solution. If it were not so, we would have a solution that would meet the needs of most women. We are capable of this. Let us work together to provide education, love, resources, whatever is necessary to lessen the need for abortions.

Why can't we just agree that is it a form of violence against the body, and move forward from there together, spending less fighting and more getting somewhere. Which road do you suppose Christ take?

I truely believe it is ego that prevents this from happening. Fearful egos, straining to be in control, not out of love, but pure fear.

Sherry Stewart

I wanted to say that, ( obviously) I made a quantum leap there, responding to the issues of Abortion and Birth control, with no linking betweem them and your subject. I do that at times, I read something, and it triggers a position I hold of views that seems to go completely ignored from a logical point of view, ( in our society) and forget to connect my dots.

Sorry for that.

Your comments are very thought provoking, and get my energy up, a good thing! I am laughing now, and imagine you might well be laughing with me~

At any rate the administration is, as usual , wrong on both counts; war, and these other issues, and yes, they are terribly incongruent with Christianity, and love in general (in my estimation).

I think a child would have more discernment than these men!

Thank you for an opportunity to express my views!

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