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November 22, 2005



Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Tamar! Don't we all have too, too much to be thankful for? I sometimes wonder why we complain at all (except for injustices, of course). Have a safe journey.

dan ramirez

Happy Thanksgiving to you too Tamar. The description you convey of what lies ahead for you in the next few days colors my anticipation of the holidays like no other! Autumnal bliss, family, appreciation for life, and pies,pies,pies!!!!!!!!

Strawberry Rhubarb! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Have a safe a wondrous holiday!



Happy Thanksgiving Tamar. Have a wonderful time and see you soon!


I'll take an order of strawberry-rhubarb pie and some autumn leaves please. It is very HOT here this week and doesn't feel like autumn at all. Not that I'm complaining.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my favorite Rhodesian-Zimbabwean-Israeli-American.


happy turkey day to you tamar!

Joel Sax

Shuffling off to Buffalo, eh?

Have a good thznksgiving!


Have a safe trip and great holiday Tamar.


Have a blessed Thanksgiving in Buffalo. I visited a week there a few summers ago and thought the area was beautiful. Enjoy the snow--remarkably sunny and warm here in So Cal.


Strawberry-rhubarb is one of my favorites. Unfortunately nobody in the South ever heard of it. Send me some!

Safe trip, healthy and happy Thanksgiving, Tamar.


Same to you, Tamarika.. Wish I was having one (or more) of those pies. No thanksgiving holiday over here but I might just cook up one anyway.

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