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November 09, 2005



To me, it's about our narratives, our stories, the way we tell them to ourselves, to each other. We each have a central narrative, a central story, a way of perceiving our lives from a vantage point, and it's probably connected to our ego, this vantage, the colour and tone and meaning we give to our story. If we can write the script of our lives, if that is given to us to do even a little, then through telling our stories, but perhaps shifting the perspective from victim to survivor to thriver, we can heal. Does this make any sense? I'm not sure if it does... xo


bullets that do not belong to me. I love this, it says so much.

I have answered you under your other post.


Tamarika, go over to Mike's (Troubled Diva), you'll see that your very personal "Breaking It" post has had profound effect. I've nominated you for Post of the Week.


Wow, Natalie, I am honored, surprised, humbled. I will go over to "Troubled Diva" in a few moments.

moose, I read the poem at your site and was deeply moved. I will print it out and keep it always. Thank you for your kindness.

Brenda, I think that how we share our stories connects and binds us into a bundle of humanity. It helps us expand our boundaries of reality together. Does that make sense?


I love that image you described. From "The Matrix?" Who knew!

I am desperate to "claim my right to face reality head-on," but I'm not there yet.


"Given the right help, we as adults can free ourselves from that terrible spell." That is how I felt, under a spell. I love that moment from the Matrix. Thank you for the link to Alice very helpful.


I have to read some of Alice Miller's work. Have meant to do so for so long, and given this quote about 'freeing ourselves from that terrible spell', which speaks to directly to my recent feelings...
Which book do you think is a good one to start with?
And thank you for the link to website!


Jean, I have read this one:
"The Truth Will Set You Free: Overcoming Emotional Blindness and Finding Your True Adult Self."

I found myself in it in all sorts of ways!

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