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February 16, 2006



Had read the quote you offered on serenity some years ago. A good one to put to memory, then to bring to mind from time to time.


"Accept the things I cannot change..." was always harder for me. Letting go...ouch!


I know, savtadotty ... letting go is really "ouch!" Ah that it would last, too.

joared, thank you for stopping by!


Oh Tamar. Ouch. May you believe in yourself and believe that it will all be ok, because it will.


I know this prayer very well indeed! And I wish you as much as you need of extra reserves of courage, serenity and wisdom ...


sorry Tamar, the one above is me. Don't know what happened to the " ..ary"!


Breathing in and out and finding serenity in the face of it are hard, hard things to do sometimes. Just keep breathing. And crawling.

The Serenity Prayer has an interesting history, BTW, and most credit Reinhold Niebuhr as author. It's been the bedrock of Alcoholics Anonymous since the early 1950s.

Thanks for letting us know that you do, indeed, continue to breathe in and out Tamar.


It's very hard to let go Tamar. Everyone of us has moments like that...that's where the breathing comes in...and time...and input...and understanding. All of which you have. Lots of hugs...

Richard Lawrence Cohen

Blessings to you, {{{Tamarika}}}, and whatever it is you're going through, know that the thoughts and wishes and prayers of your blogfriends are with you. It's good to know you're coming through it well.

Aaron Copland is playing in the backgound -- "Appalachian Spring." May your spring be as beautiful as that music.


Tamarika, warm thoughts coming your way.

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