When Mike Golby calls ... here I come! Plus it's a meme for goodness sake ...
[I think I might have lost my "meme edge." I wish I could have done as fine a job as MG. As I wrote down the answers I felt a weariness come over me. I might have answered all of this in previous memes - or perhaps I've become boring. I feel a need to apologize to MG and my readers for the insipid replies that follow ... forgive me?]
Four jobs I've had:
- Child care provider in the older infant house of Kibbutz Yizrael when I was 21.
- Preschool/kindergarten teacher in the Tel Aviv area: I did this in different neighborhoods for eleven years. At age 37 took a year off thinking about what I wanted to be when I was big ... the result? Emigration to USA to do more of the same at a higher (?) level.
- English Language Librarian at the British Council Library, Tel Aviv: Just for a year or so when I was 24 and 25
- Director of a large Campus Child Care Center of a University in the North East USA: Eleven years. What a job! Interesting, challenging, exhausting, enormous and awesome responsibility - taking care of 170 children for all those families in the world's largest litigious society. Ah, but it was fun!
Four movies I can watch over and over (among the many others that I could have chosen!):
- Two for the Road
- Get Shorty
- Shakespeare in Love
- My Life as a House
Four TV shows I love to watch (but seldom do):
- West Wing
- Sex in the City
- Seinfeld
- Actor's Studio
Four places I've been on vacation:
Each one has such a long story. Enough for a blog post a-piece.
- Paris
- Cyprus
- The Victoria Falls
- Neah Bay
Four favorite dishes:
- Sashimi
- Peking Duck
- Steak and eggs
- Bouillabaisse
Four websites I visit daily:
Well there are just way more than four ...
Four places I would rather be (hm ... most seem to have warm climates ... and yet I thought that I love the snow ... ):
- Greek Islands
- Hawaii
- Paris
- Arizona
Four bloggers I'm tagging:
This is where it has to end ... but do feel tagged if you want.
Neah Bay?? Tamar, you ARE full of surprises! I have fond memories of family camping vacations there close to forty years ago. The beaches weren't open to the public in those days, but my father had friends on the reservation, so we basically had the place to ourselves. Thanks sparking such good memories...
Posted by: Heidi | February 22, 2006 at 12:18 PM
Neah Bay is phenomenal, Heidi. So wild and pure and glorious. We saw whale, and for the first time in my life I discovered "sand dollars" and touched a starfish!
Posted by: Tamar | February 23, 2006 at 09:35 AM
Eggs with the steak... damn, I forgot. I guess my not having been to Victoria Falls (although I've blogged my having surfed them) is explained by my relatively close proximity to them--many Capetonians have not climbed Table Mountain. Now, Washington is one place I'd really like to visit...and yeah, I forgot to list 'Seinfeld' -- Costanza (in gortex) and Kramer have long been heroes of mine and, of course, Elaine always was a crazed fox (only person I didn't like on that show was Newman--but I guess nobody liked *Newman*).
More seriously, I've been wondering if you've ever read Peter Hedges. I watched 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape?' only recently, checked Hedges's writing on Amazon, and tried to get the book out of the library. No luck, but my wife found 'An Ocean in Iowa', his only other title (as far as I know). It's a remarkable, Updike-like story of a family's breakup seen through the eyes of seven-year old Scotty. I found it wonderfully well written but, of course, wondered what your opinion of it might be. If you've not read it, it comes highly recommended from this end of the globe--where we've suffered rolling blackouts for a week; hence no blogging, Internet, etc.
Posted by: Mike Golby | February 23, 2006 at 03:07 PM
I read your comment at your site about your hopes when tagging me ... ah how I've failed you! Somehow all these stories attached to the short replies seemed onerous and huge - even heavy - to write about this time. Usually I seize meme opportunities!
Now seriously, I haven't read Peter Hedges although I must have seen Gilbert Grape ten times (once as an assignment for a family therapy course I was taking). So am excited to get hold of him now ... soon. So sorry to hear about the blackouts. Blackouts and all I still miss Africa so much.
Posted by: Tamar | February 24, 2006 at 06:09 AM