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February 25, 2006


sherry Stewart

Tamarika, you are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing photos...a stunning beauty, with a bright smile, infectious! and ..a history like mine, a child and having children, ties us together no matter what else,,,,
I am envious when I hear you speak of your collegaues.
I know the life on a university was a place I belonged as an adult, but never made it there. Intentions, well, some just get interfered with. It is those kinds of minds that I relate best to, and your life seems so full and happy....with people who relate.

My INTP, Sanguine, Aquarian, (watery world) fits right in academia, but I am not there.

Astrologically, I am always looking in, never quite fitting, but in academia, well, I fit.

My good intentions were art history PHD, or MFA in Ceramics, or English PHD, (one of my majors) but life had another plan that decidely was not mine, but an honorable plan. ( raising Grandchild alone)
A little lost now that she is gone, however, and what a pleasure hearing of your comrades with whom you relate so well.

Best to you Tamar.


I enjoyed this sequence of photos of the course of an unfinished lifetime. What a lovely woman you are becoming!


What an pleasure to see The Many Faces of Tamar! Thank you so much for sharing these with us. MB is so very right--what a lovely woman you are becoming!


A beauty at any age. I remember as a young woman in my 30's how beautiful I thought the older women in my life were. Now that I am there, they are still beautiful, but I confess a certain twinge when I look at the woman in the mirror....she feels so much younger than her image.


Oh, those boxes and boxes of old photos....I have a ton of them.


I'm glad you shared those pictures. As we gaze at our own photos we never seem to see the beauty others perceive. Fascinating to see how our features, appearance evolves over the years.


I love these pictures! Thank you!

Adriana Bliss

What a wonderful collection of pictures, showing such a beautiful soul.


Interesting to see that my old photos raised some memories for some of you. Thank you, thank you for all your kind comments. Strange to think of myself as a "beauty" I must say but, hey! Thank you again for that.

Mo'a, I am glad to see that you are back and doing better. {{{}}} to you.
Joel, I know - there are so many old photos it is difficult to choose which ones to show here!
Yes, Joared, it is fascinating to me to see how the features change over the years. I guess our souls and personalities are changing too over the years, eh? ... perhaps.
Sherry, lovely to hear from you again! Thank you so much for sharing your own story of life's twists and turns.

Gemma Grace

Precious, beautiful soul. I loved seeing the many faces of Tamar :)

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