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April 27, 2006



Mmm, yes, I feel EXACTLY the same about blogging - I don't have time, don't have time, don't have time, but don't like the idea of no longer being a participant after being one for a while. I am thinking about tackling this by moving to only posting once a week, but trying to make each one a more substantial piece of writing or set of photos.


I think we all feel that way.


Yay for #5! And for that sweet baby too!


I think any person who is alive and engaged with the rest of the world craves inclusion...feeling truly part of something beyond themselves. The trick is to feel that I'm OK with myself when I'm just with myself. I've found that visiting blog friends almost daily---like reading my paper, and posting regularly about twice a week is good for me. My temptation is to run my day around blogging but I want to prevent my world from becoming "virtual" even if I can no longer be as physically active.
Being able to discuss this with you folks makes me much more likely to keep my blogging thoughtful. Thanks!
PS Tamar, I loved the sweet baby pic. How very lively you look!


What a cute little girl! Have some important May birthdays in my family, too. March and October have also been significant months. Interesting how they seem to gather together like that in families.

Am glad you haven't given up blogging, for I would miss being able to drop by for a visit from time to time. You have certainly made me feel "included" which is a nice warm fuzzy feeling.

Perhaps the biggest challenge for me has been finding a balance between my real daily life and this virtual life, and I don't even have a blog. Is conforting to know others can face the same situation, as Lucyd wrote, because, frankly, I've been more than a little concerned about myself and the attraction I have acquired for this community in the blogosphere.


Yep, I feel the same way Tamar. I'm glad you're going to continue to blog; we would miss you greatly. It's pretty hard giving up even one wonderful valued member of this giving community.


Thanks for the compliments about the childhood Tamarika! Whenever I try and think about the core, essence of my "self" I think of this photograph. There is a joy and liveliness that I see and even remember as being a part of who I am - deep within. It helps to remember that, especially on the days or in the moments that I am feeling partiicularly self-loathing.

I resonate with how you all talk about the blog/cyber world as being addictive in a way. And yet it does form a supportive community too - one to which we can all belong and where we all feel included.

Gemma Grace

Lovingly, I ask... If blogging engenders caring friendships, a sense of community, belonging, inclusion, discussion, listening, understanding, open hearted revelation, compassion, empathy, sharing, wisdom, insight, encouragement and healing, how does it serve to call it addictive?


The beauty of blogging, Gemma. Like everything else in life it is full of complexity!

Thanks for all your good wishes about vacation and book! Good to hear from you again.


Tamar. How wonderful, we share a birthday!!! May 24th. Empire Day. Queen Victoria - and Bob Dylan as well - .... :-) and you and me. Obviously a good day!

And as you know I have many of the same questions about blogging that you do. I am reaching the conclusion that if my motives for writing a post are good, if it is coming from the heart and not the ego (i.e. saying what I think my readers want to hear and will comment positively on) and I need and want to say it then I should go ahead and post on the blog. And I too love participating and being creative ....

I am aware I worry too much about posting regularly and that I will lose readers if I have too long a gap beween insights *grin*. But that is an example of the ego that I am talking about.

I am also thinking about limiting the time I spend reading blogs (Oh no!). Nothing drastic, but creating more structure around it.

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