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April 18, 2006



What a wonderful trip for you Tamar. I know you're excited. What a beautiful way to spend your birthday. Cheers.


Happy BDay Special Lady! The book is in the mail.
I want to know more about your family---I'm fascinated by Sephardi---not having any among my recent (say, the last four or five hundred years) kinfolk. Amazing our bond is never broken despite that fact!
Your flowers are beautiful---and to my mind preferable to those that wilt, croak and sit stinking on the endtable. I've gotten so practical in my old age.
Have a lovely week dear Tamar.


Great choice! Is your grandfather buried there?


How incredibly fortunate you are!


Thanks for all your good wishes.
Danny, am not sure about my grandfather. I am doing some internet and family interviewing research at the moment. My father was born in 1894, so it is hard to find people to ask about this. There are many people with my father's family name buried at the cemetery in Rhodes so I will try and find out as the weeks go by. Very interesting and exciting for me right now ... finding my roots.


Hooray for you! What a fantastic place to celebrate your birthday and vacation/honeymoon with T. and relax and possibly find your roots. I am so excited for you!


I'm looking forward to the post-Rhodes leg of your trip, the part where we get to meet!


Oh dear, savtadotty - our meeting has been postponed. Check out:

Dear Janna,
Thank you so much. You know how much this means to me. I'll be e-mailing you anyway. How lovely to hear from you. I surely do miss you!




What a beautiful place! May you have a wonderful and safe trip and discover all that you wish.

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