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April 30, 2006



It seems very signficant that you are visiting your father's birthplace this year, Tamar ... synchronicity indeed.

And yes, please blog the book or anything else you want. We'll be here.


Ah, contentment. As Martha would say, It's a Good Thing.


You probably absorbed some of that inner contement from the cats who surely can teach us valuable lessons in relaxation and letting go. And cats are truly their own selves, not trying to please anyone else, just happy to sit in the sun and be themselves.


Chancy, those cats really do affect me. You are right about that. Sometimes I think I prefer their quiet, gentle company to any human being.

Heidi, am not sure which "Martha" you are referring to ... :)

Yes, Mary - I think it is very significant. No coincidence that I am allowing myself to visit my father's birthplace. Definitely has something to do with this past year as I have been gathering "dispersed" pieces of myself to become a whole me.


You mean there's more than one Martha? (Ha!) "It's a good thing" indicates Martha Stewart's stamp of approval.


I didn't have time to post a comment yesterday and now I'm glad---your post is worth a second (or more reading). As usual Liz sums up everything very neatly. I think it couldn't hurt to blog the book process. You do, after all, have many smart and opinioned readers who are anxious to give you honest feedback---seems to me that's a good start before you actually have to PAY anybody fortheir "educated" opinion!
Just a thought.


Rereading my comment after posting I realize I should be paying somebody for pfroofreading---OY!


Ah - Martha Stewart, eh? Thanks for clarifying, Heidi ... wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

Yes, that's what I love about the blogging world - the feedback. And I look forward to it as I process the book this summer along with all of you. Don't worry about "proofreading." If ever you need me to correct something in your comment I would be happy to do it.

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