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May 16, 2006



Dear Adriana,
Thanks for sharing this. It helps to know that I am not alone. Am so pleased to have you with me and to be with you this past year and a half in our blogging land!

Adriana Bliss

Tamar, I've had the same conflicts. While I write under a pen name, some of my family DOES read it and I do reveal a lot of information. I censor a little, but I pretty much grit my teeth and bear any badness that comes my way. Which at this point is next to nothing. I'm sure the day will come. I'm so lucky to be part of your intimate group - your words are so powerful and strengthening. Even when you're sad, you convey such wisdom. I'm glad you're here!


What you say is very true. Privacy does have different meanings for different people. And loyalty too. And I respect that. In fact, the "family truths" that some of them might feel ashamed about (if that's what they are feeling) are my own. My versions (as Danny said). My version of what happened to me does not have to be their version or their truths. So why the panic? It's just me talking about me. I guess I might come across as sounding accusatory or blaming. And so I will look into how I write stuff a little more clearly because, in fact, I am not blaming anyone. Am just trying to work out how I came to be me ... and I might find a way to be clearer about that aspect.

In fact you describe how I feel perfectly! "A sense of freedom and loosening of the shoulders" - yes indeed. In fact, one of my sibs asked for the password and I gave them such a hard time before I finally agreed! Because, naturally I would love to come up from underground at some point. But only when I might feel safe again. Am still feeling a little sore and vulnerable.

I am deeply touched and feel so supported by your comments, Brenda; B.S.; Mary; and Joy. Thank you so much. It means a lot to me because finding my voice has not always been easy and I sense you understand that.

Dear Jean, as I read through my archives the other day I saw how much you have been a part of my journey - steady, constant and true - from the very beginning. Gee. I just have to come to London one day to meet you! If you don't get to Philadelphia first, that is : )

Well, what can I say? You started me off on this self-expression path. What you write here means so much to me. I am unable to describe the feelings of gratitude I have for you since the day I met you back in November 2001. But I know how much you hate this kind of thing so ... I'll stop right here. But, anyway. Thanks.


It's sad that your siblings are ashamed of their family truths, but I'm glad you've found a way to protect them and keep blogging. Privacy has different meanings for different people.


Maybe you've found your little haven right here Tamar. I like your new place. May you have many happy blogging days ahead.

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