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June 26, 2006



Yeah, Adriana! I think I would make one too! And I definitely agree ... ignorable.

Adriana Bliss

Oh wow, Tamar, I don't know. I think you'd make a very cute lesbian!

Seriously, that guy is very "ignorable".


Hi ainelivia,
Good to hear from you again. Let's just keep on working at developing our pockets of light, eh?



i suppose it's a case of "if you are not with us you must be against us", kind of thinking. Euuuuugh...

Went over there and left comment, it's unlikely I'll be going back, i just felt very angry at the whole tone.

what exactly is a wing-nut anyway, i mean apart from the obvious that it's a nut with wings, i mean i know what the actual object looks like, but what does it mean when applied to a human being?


Thanks, Mary.

Oh, MaryB! Oh, oh! I adore your reaction! Splendid. LOL!

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