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June 03, 2006



Thank you, joared.


I refer you to my comment on TGB for May 29th post "Oh, The Stories We Can Tell." My husband was a jazz musician for many years earlier in life, and when we met - upright acoustic bass.

Am just resuming my visits to blogs on a more frequent basis. Will look forward to visiting here.


Welcome to my new site, joared. How lovely to hear from you. Am thrilled and delighted as you can imagine that you are enjoying Gilad's CD!

I hope you are okay ("life happened" to you?).

When I first started this weblog you would have needed a password to enter (which I gave to people who requested it, not wanting to assume that everyone would want to read it!) - but since my return from vacation I have made it public and my main blog. So glad you're still reading me. Thank you.


Am so glad you made it to the graduation.

I have been enjoying a CD I ordered and rec'd a few weeks ago by ... that's right, Gilad Barkan's group. I do so love jazz.

Am glad to have been able to access your new blog, as initially I couldn't seem to get in. Had given up.

Then, life happened for me, and this is my first time back in a while, to try, just one more time -- I made it! Says something for perseverance, I guess.


Thanks Claude and Mary.
I so long to sit quietly and read everyone's blogs. I will get there ... soon ...

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