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June 19, 2006


Law of attraction

I wanted to tell you that you have a very nice writing style. It is nice to see someone that be able to break such a tricky topic down and make it easy to understand.



Good to have you stop by and stay awhile. Yes, I have been thinking lately that each event of "misunderstood-ness" just seems to have strengthened, not weakened my own understanding of loyalty. How interesting is that!

Thank you.


The first thing that came to my mind, after reading on through your post to your second experience of being a "truth-sayer" was this:
how glad I am that the first experience did not shut her up. THAT would have been a shame. I happen to think, and worked to teach my child, that "loyalty" (such as in a family or a community or a larger entity) always means putting out the effort to see what needs to be seen, and saying what needs to be said, rather than going blind and mute for the cause of some other thing disguised as "loyalty". Genuine love wants a thing to be its best, to learn how to correct its mistakes - it doesn't protect its wrong-doing. It helps me to know others are courageous enough to speak out loud and to risk being misunderstood. Thank you.

And I am very, very glad that the email you received felt supportive and had meaning for you.


Thank you, Frank.

Frank Paynter

This is powerful writing. Thank you.

Nuggets of truth are scattered all down the page... this one really spoke to me:

"...being a stranger is not at all a bad thing. There is no shame for me if others misunderstand my motives."

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