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June 29, 2006



Thanks for the tip on Jeremy Taylor, Fran!

Fran aka Redondowriter

Have you read any of Jeremy Taylor's books on dreams? Your description of dreams is how I feel about them. I hope this one reveals more and more of your expanding life.


Joared, there are, indeed, so many theories about interpreting dreams. I really like the idea that dreams are really just me speaking to me!

What a poignant interpretation to your dream! Thanks so much for sharing it here. I think that any interpretation is meaningful if it speaks to what I know about myself deep down ... as you obviously did in this case. There seemed to be some resolution for you since you stopped dreaming it. Beautiful!


I usually have extremely vivid dreams too Tamarika.

One in particular that I kept dreaming over and over went like this:
This is maudlin so don't read further if you so chose.

I was in the cemetery and I was digging up my deceased Father's grave to find out what was in his coffin. I found letters, memoriabilia, photos, albums,etc. I took these home with me and studied them. then returned them and reburied the casket.

I kept dreaming this a over and over for months off and on..

I asked a therapist about this dream. She asked me what I thought it meant. I said it was difficult to figure out. She said it probably meant that I wanted to learn more about my Father since I really never knew him. He died when I was nine years old.

I agreed with that interpretation and to this day, I have never dreamed that same dream again.

Dreams are facinating to me. Especially when they are so interesting and lifelike.


I am glad that the meaning of your dream is helping you understand your current experience and longed for opportunities.

I've always wondered with the various dream analyzing theories which prevail, as to determining a dream's meaning or significance in my life, how to select which theoretical approach to use for analyzing my dream.

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