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June 20, 2006



Mary and Natalie,
That's why I found that passage interesting. Because of all the interpretations and "loose threads." I guess I just have to read on and understand fully what she is talking about ...



I think it depends on motive. If I am in someone's business because of a need to control, to be in charge, however well-meaning, then no-one benefits.

If I am genuinely reaching out to help from the heart, from a place that recognises the other's autonomy,rather than neediness, then I perhaps that is the only time that I can be of assistance? I don't know. That's a high ideal, and most of the time I for one don't reach it.


BK's text is partly true and partly not. When one is "in one's own business" all the time (which dyed-in-wool egocentrics usually are) you lose track of reality, including of other people's and the world in general's reality. I understand and appreciate what she's saying, but there are lot of loose threads in it.


Yeah, Paul! Roll on!

Patry, I know just what you mean, believe me!


I keep on rolling, because if I stop I may not roll again ! LOL

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