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June 21, 2006



Yes, Patry, my former "selves" seem so close ... are, indeed, so much a part of the me of now! Even though others cannot see them.


Love seeing your life in reverse. I do feel as if all of my former selves are still in there, though sometimes no one knows it but me.


Oh Adriana, how I love that expression: "art challenged." Thanks!

Adriana Bliss

I've been following these self-portrait explorations and they are all so lovely and layered. Good for you for trying the drawing, Tamar...I don't even bother. I'm very "art"!


I went through a period of my life when I threw away a ton of photographs and lately have been really sorry about that. On the other hand I don't take as many photos as I used to. Somehow, I seem more able to preserve memories in my brain and prefer to spend the time living the situation rather than photographing it. But that's all probably connected to the non-artist in me or something ...

Thank you. Good to hear from you again!

Since learning how to crop photos I just cut off the family members from the photograph and focus on my childhood faces. It's fun to do! However, I understand the pain and sadness that memories cause - like old wounds in the rain. There are photos I don't share as well for the same reason.

Hurrah! The Lady is back at Monkey Town. How lovely to hear from you again. In fact I have stopped by now and again and was wondering where you were. After all, you are one of the very first bloggers I discovered when I first started out!

Brenda (and Jean),
Thanks so much for your enthusiasm about the "Tamarika of Rhodes." It warms the cockles of my heart!

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