Quote of the day:
Beware the friend who misses your big event - book party, baby shower or engagement party. People who care for you will revel in your triumphs, not avoid them. O, the Oprah Magazine
Recent events in my life reinforced the realization that I am truly alone. Even if surrounded by kind words and supportive gestures of friends or family, I understand that some things I can only do alone. Face down my fears, hold still with discomfort, or get in touch with inner feelings. I do best alone, unclouded with rumblings of kindly advice or people who are too uncomfortable to listen to me tell my truth. With that comes a second realization: the discovery that I am strong. I can be like the huge, sturdy oak outside my window. Standing firm as stormy waters swirl around me, even if I might feel dizzy with the confusion, chaos, unknown sensations of it all. I am awed by the power of the brain. Indeed, my mind is my strength, for it creates attitude, develops understanding, shows me reality, and brings me peace as a healing balm to all kinds of pain and discomfort.
Strength comes in knowing that I have a choice about how to feel, what to believe, how to think and, even, how to react. Therein lies my responsibility, commitment to my self, integrity, ability to give and receive love, and personal growth.
Alone and strong.
Therein lies my freedom.
OldOldLady of the Hills! I am so honored to have you stop by my site. Thank you so much for your kind words and support. Very much appreciated.
Am smiling (even lol) at what you say re: Oprah!
Posted by: Tamarika | July 24, 2006 at 07:29 AM
I so agree with you Tamar...the state of aloneness is just about the only constant one can pretty much count on.
I was reading of the loss of your dear cat Molly...it brought tears to my eyes...This is such a deep sad loss...these dear sweet animals of ours with their unconditional love...this is TRUE loss, my dear and I am so very very sorry you are going through this....
Thanks for stopping by and your kind words. In truth, my loss pales in comparison to what you have just been through...And I hope your health scare is one that can be handled and overcome.
As to Oprah's quote...I cannot imagine she meant that there were no good reasons for one not showing up, but then, I could be wrong. (lol)
Posted by: OldOldLady Of The Hills | July 22, 2006 at 01:16 PM
Am smiling because I am thinking that you flew all the way across America to be with me at my book party ... and prepared a beautiful book for friends to inscribe for me ... am really, really smiling now ... you are such a fine editor and good friend that I can't bear the thought of doing my next book with anyone other than you ...
Natalie, thank you for your insights into alone-ness. And for your good wishes to me. I am so enjoying your journey in search of enlightenment, and where you are looking for it! Wonderful!
Posted by: Tamarika | July 22, 2006 at 11:58 AM
Jeez, what kind of pissy mood was I in yesterday that a dumb Oprah quote could make me so nuts? Sorry about that, Tamar, although I'm happy to see the pile-on regarding that statement. In any event, I just wanted to reiterate my total agreement with the notion that there are things in life that we have to move through on our own even though it's great to have the support of family and friends. Cheers to your newly acknowledged strength!
Posted by: Danny | July 22, 2006 at 09:50 AM
I agree with Danny's misgivings about that Oprah quote but congratulations Tamar for celebrating the bright side of Alone-ness. Alone is very different from lonely. I can never understand why so many people fear the state of being alone. Not only is it the human condition, in a cosmic sense, but it's also as necessary as breathing if we are ever to move out of the prison of dependence. That's not to minimise the value of togetherness/interaction/social responsibility etc. but it seems to me that it's always the people who accept and need and enjoy aloneness who make the best inter-actors.
Hope you are OK now, mind and body-wise.
Posted by: Natalie | July 22, 2006 at 08:48 AM