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July 13, 2006



Tamar: Few things in life hurt as much as losing a four-legged soulmate. My heart goes out to you. May the two of you meet again someday.


Thanks so much for these kind words, Winston. Much appreciated.


Oh, Tamar, I am so sorry. I've missed a couple of days and just found out this morning about Molly. I've had to make that decision thrice in my life, and each time it is the most difficult thing I've ever done. But take solace and peace in the knowledge that it is the right thing to do ... for them.

Rest easy, my friend...


I'm so sorry Tamar. Molly is at peace, and your love right along side of her always.

Goodbye sweet Molly, furry one.

Though your days on earth are done;

Don't forget where you may roam;

Tamar's heart is always home.

Mark  Daniels

I was sorry to read about the loss of your Molly. Pets become parts of families and it's hard to let them go.


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