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July 11, 2006



Thank you, Elaine.

Elaine of Kalilily

Beautiful and moving post, Tamarika.


You are right. I would not want to conform to that very narrow definition of scholarly. In any event I don't think people who claim to be rational are so. Just in denial of their emotions and biases, and covering it up with what they term "rational analysis." In my experience, that's just another way of being judgmental and righteous.

I look forward to hearing about your summer journey (if you choose to go that route) if it is through your typing fingers or even, perhaps, with your feet.


I'm so glad to read this today. Feeling shitty lately. And wondering why, when lots of stuff is going really well. Another online friend suggested to me that I was "mourning old yous - including the you that didn't let yourself feel sadness." All of a sudden, in the midst of present feelings, fears and hopes for the future, I hit a wall and plunge into a deep hole of old, unresolved emotions. I hover, wondering whether I should push it away and march on, or stop and have a look, think about it, feel about it, write about it, try and see more clearly, and then put it down instead of dragging it behind me. I know the answer really. And today, describing the writing of your book, you reinforce it for me. I think I too may be doing some revisiting this Summer, in my mind, with my typing fingers, and perhaps also with my feet.

You wouldn't want, really, to conform to that very narrow definition of 'scholarly', would you? to have written your book with your mind, but not with your heart? Yup, thankfully irrational.

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