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July 09, 2006



I have to say that your comment moved me ... to tears ... good ones!

Thank you so much.


Having read your blog(s) for about a year and a half, I have observed a change, a metamorphosis, a shifting of the sands. From what...and to what... I do not have the words or thoughts this early in the day for that. And may not later. My "feeling" is that the change has been positive, has been good.

What your blog is "about"... I will scold you here. Hold out your hand, open palm up, so that I might slap it with a paddle. Your blog is about YOU. Like my blog is about ME. And Frank's blog is about FRANK. Regardless of topics covered, diversity or not, all blogs are, in the final analysis, about the blogger ... the author. This is proper ... this is good ... this is the way it should be. This is what a blog is ... a gathering of little windows into the souls and hearts and minds of the blogger.

You don't need to be concerned about any of that. Just keep doing what you're doing, the way you're doing it, and we'll keep dropping by to get another glimpse of another little piece of the puzzle that is Tamarika.


I appreciate your comment so very much. Very supportive and encouraging and *just* what I needed to hear today. I'm in a pretty serious out-of-confidence mode of late, and hopefully it will right itself soon and I'll be on my way to fearlessly blogging who I am again.

As for the quote from Frank's blog. Let me just clarify that I adored what he wrote about his blog. It was so humorous and lyrical all at the same time. I *wish* I could write more like him! I especially like the whole quote: "I dump all my slop in this one bucket making it a blog of bloggacious bloggitude, but not a blog of any particular color. In fact, my blog is that muddy greenish brown swamp bottom color you get by mixing all the crayons in the box together." Gorgeous!

Oh, and by the way, a) I love reading your blog! and b) thanks for the tip about Jeneane's blog. I very much enjoyed that animated piece you have from her site.

Elaine of Kalilily

You can't let the idiots on the net get you down. Write whatever your heart tells you to write. When I was bombarded with comments from the military after I blogged about the Swift Boater campaign during Kerry's campaign, I gathered up all their emails and bombarded them with the facts.

But that's me. I urge you to ignore your critics and keep blogging what interests you. It will not become a swamp; it will become -- as Franks' is -- a clear reflection of who you are and what you care about.

I know hard isolated one can begin to feel in some situations. That's what bloggerfriends are for -- to help dispel that feeling of isolation.

I have always used Jeneane's writing at as my shining example of what a personal blog is.

I promise I will read what you write, so keep blogging.

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