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August 21, 2006



Tamarika, who could not identify with your self consciousness, in all honesty, everyone has at some time felt pressed to make some explanation for themselves, and truly, none should ever be necessary.
I know what it feels like to talk myself into a corner,and feel excluded, and so your honest story is very heartfelt and beautiful.
I believe you speak for us all. Thank you!
Love, Sherry


MB, I graciously accept your hug. By the way, your CD arrived two days ago and I shall be listening to it soon! So, hugs to you too!


You strike me as a singularly brave and resilient person, Tamar. And their comments strike me as bewilderingly insensitive. They, who've been together 20 years or more, should know as well as anybody what hard work it can be to stay married.

May I offer you a hug?


Thanks for sharing your ramblings about this. By the way - can you e-mail me the details of how I could purchase your book? It sounds grand! My e-mail address is in my "about" page in the upper left column. If and when I come to that big Apple - I will be sure to let you know - you better believe it!

Ah, Richard - I happily and graciously accept hugs from you - you know that!

Richard Lawrence Cohen

How lucky you are, Tamarika, to have friends who've said as wise and compassionate things as the commenters above! They leave me with nothing to add of my own except a hug.

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