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August 05, 2006



Hello Gemma. Smiles.

Gemma Grace

I stand with you.


Yes, pockets of light surely can be our selves, but I hope too it could mean communities of us all. Compassion, I believe, is key.

Hello Tamar,
Thanks so much for stopping by. It seems we have much in common. I shall be visiting you. Am pleased my words had meaning for you too. Yes indeed, l'hitraot!


hi! i found your blog today via lisa (ontheface) via nooster via savta dotty! not only do we share a name but i am/was an ece (early childhood ed) person! i spent a dozen of the best years of my life in the world of head start (in boston and the northeast and south), a life-affirming experience for all participants. i LOVED your descriptions here, especially your statement: "I refuse to enter into raging, agonizing arguments on the Internet or through my blog. I would rather listen to the stories that all people tell me, all the while looking into their eyes with empathy and compassion." Kol hakavod and i'll be back again soon. L'hitraot!


I feel very moved reading this Tamarika, surely this is the best any of us can do, to be true to our own feelings and hang on to the "pockets of light". Reading this I believe that I understand better now when you said this to me recently, then I thought of it in terms of finding pockets of light; now I see we need to be our own pockets of light.

And thank you for the links to Neil's post, which is beautifully written and expressed and Paris Parfait.

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