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August 19, 2006



Hello there, Jean, you dearest, old blogger buddy! Thank you for these good wishes.

Yes, Joy, it was - such a fine welcoming gesture! I appreciated it very much.

Aine Livia, it is the little things indeed. So important.

Yes, in fact, that quote is quite inspirational for me at times. I like how you describe your start to each day. Thank you.

By the way, I want a copy of the book you write about in your blog. Can you e-mail me details so that I can buy one? I keep meaning to stop by your blog to tell you that and then something happens and I don't get to it!!!


What a good start - definitely bodes well! All best wishes for the new job. Your clarity about what you want and moving on in order to get closer to it are inspirational, and your positive energy infectious. Happy, happy new job, Tamar!!!!


It's funny where we find our moments of peace and security, isn't it Tamar? What a nice moment for you. What a nice welcoming gesture....


My feelings exactly. In this little studio apartment I'm in, the bed is next to one of the windows. I position the blinds so that I can see the sky every morning when I wake up. Just that little act of confirmation starts my morning prayers, which always begin "Thanks for another new day, another chance to try again." (Your post makes me miss teaching, Tamar. Ah, well.)


Oh that is so wonderful Tamarike; it is always the little things that matter most, everythings gonna be alright....

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