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« Weight, weight, don't tell me ... | Main | Not alone »

September 05, 2006



Thanks for the reminder about Donne's quote. That fits perfectly here!

Your warm wishes are well received. I appreciate your commenting when you are sounding very pressed for time lately. Yes indeed. Relying on and invoking our mentors does not diminish us ... only expand our hearts and minds even more ...


It's the 6th today, right? So you've done your first day? (god, I don't even know what day it is).
Hope it went well, Tamar. Sending you warm thoughts and cheering you on as you ease into your new surroudings and get to know your new students. Your quote from your yoga teacher resonates for me. This is an important lesson from Eastern traditions, I think, that it is not diminishing, but the reverse, to openly rely on and invoke our mentors.


No matter the strength or presumed independence of an individual, we each and all depend on others from our past who helped shape us to what we are, and others in our present for providing the goods and services that make our lives so rich, and for being there for us on a personal level when we have questions or need support.

As Donne said it, it's still true: No man is an island entire of itself...

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