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September 20, 2006



Winston, thank you for telling your blog-name story here.

"That sign over the door says something about how we think of ourselves and how we want to advertise ourselves and our wares to others."

Yes indeed!


Interesting commentary, Tamar... I do believe that what we name our blog has significance on some level, whether we choose it carefully or in haste. That sign over the door says something about how we think of ourselves and how we want to advertise ourselves and our wares to others.

The name "nobody asked ...BUT I'm gonna tell you anyway" was chosen from a long list I developed over a period of several weeks and several bottles of wine. I suppose the moniker in some way reflects my developing style of light-hearted and humorous, tongue-in-cheek, smart-ass commentary.

It is my intention to never offend, but to occasionally make a reader uncomfortable, enough so that they think for a moment about something that has never before dared the treacherous journey across the vast expanse of their mind.

Just in case I want to shift gears or start another blog, I've already got some names picked out. A couple of them probably reveal just how truly ill I am...


I see that I need to copyright "In and Out of Confidence," eh? I love that name too. In fact, it was the title of one of my newsletter columns for our local AEYC organization in Buffalo for a number of years and a chapter in my book. So, in a sense, it's mine, mine, mine ... (spoken like a true toddler!)... but, for *you* ... well ... maybe I'll lend it ...

I love the idea of you giving "serious thought" to the naming of your blog. I sense a(n) hilarious post a-coming. Keep me posted!

Shorty PJs,
No change in name for me yet. Am still getting used to this one. Looking forward to the book. Hurrah!

Tom and Mark,
Yeah! I love hearing your stories of why you chose your names. In fact, I wish someone would give me a huge grant to travel the world interviewing bloggers about the reasons for their titles so that I could write a best-selling-beloved-blogger-book and retire to Hawaii so that I might blog-on into the sunset.


Oy, don't get me started. I changed the name of my blog after a year but I have very mixed feelings about my current title. I like seeing it there but when asked to say it out loud, I am always embarrassed and want to give a 10-minute explanation. But I won't change it again, it is what it is. However, if I were to change it, I'd ask if I could steal your original title, In and Out of Confidence, which I love (but I understand your reasons for switching!).

Tom Shugart

Back in 1995, during the very infancy of the Web, one of my agency's clients thought it would be a good idea to create a site that would be a meta-review of various sites across the Web--a tiny universe compared to the present.

We concurred with him that the idea had potential since people were by and large clueless about what was availble on the Web and would welcome some assistance in finding their way.

I was charged with suggesting names--one of which met with the client's approval. You guessed it--Insiteview.

By the time we were ready to get the site developed, the client had over-extended himself in the go-go dot-com frenzy and disappeared into the bankruptcy courts.

I squirreled away the name and decided to ressurect it when I started the blog.

The ex-client is now a real-estate multi-millionaire. Ah, capitalism.

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