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September 25, 2006



I love the idea of "charging into a whole new life." It feels strong and positive. Just as I love Germaine Greer for reminding me:

"The truth is that fewer women come to grief at this obstacle than at any other time in their tempestuous lives ..."

Thank you for sharing your story here.


Really like the perspective you put on this little event in life. I am "a couple" (using the term very loosely) years past that experience.

The strange thing for me is that I never knew I had gone through it until after it was over. I kept waiting for it to happen 'cause I could vividly remember my mother during her experience and I was mentally fully expecting all the symptoms about which I had read, seen, heard about with others.

I don't have the foggiest idea of how I got off so easily, but I did, and I don't feel cheated. I certainly did charge into a whole new life though.


Thanks for the link. I replied to you at your site.

Thanks so much for the dinner! What a beautiful picture of it too. I like how it was connected to Ramadan, and all the other celebrations you mentioned. By the way, I adore dal. Wonderful!

I am so impressed with how you take life in your stride. It is one of the things I adore about your blog posts too. You seem to enjoy life to its fullest and move with the moment! I found that reading up on menopause helped me when different feelings came up. It has helped me understand myself better, and not become anxious with all the bodily changes as they occur.


Tamar. This is a wonderful post and a great quote. You triggered something for me and I have linked to it.


Well, I'm 55 and in the middle of supreme flashin'. And this for one whose normal body temp is 99.2, not 98.6. I hate heat. But I'm surviving so far. I'm guessing I've made it through? Had my last period in June, but won't be surprised if I get another visit or two. I'd be fine if I could keep going till I'm 90 (unlike most women who look forward to waving bye-bye to tampons), but que sera, etc. I do agree that I'm just too busy to think about it. Haven't even considered checking in with a doc re: the hormone-replacement stuff. Maybe I should. I'm in denial. Never read anything about menopause, which is, I'm sure detrimental to my well-being. Or not. Ah, me. Lots to think about, Tamar.

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