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« Mortality shock | Main | Moments in time »

October 16, 2006



Good to hear from you again, Richard. Very, very good, in fact.

Richard Lawrence Cohen

How wonderful, Tamar, that as you become more conscious of mortality you also feel more joy in living! I'm 54 and just realizing for the first time that the two must be linked, that only when I look directly at the fact that I will die can I begin to live fully.

And I've been away from my friends' much-missed blogs for so long, I'd almost forgotten how much wisdom I find in them...


Certainly "dad-gum" is a Southern expression. Consider it an expletive deleted term to be used in your more polite redneck/hillbilly circles. ;-)


Tamar. I'm glad!

And I've never thanked you for the Martha Graham piece. I first came across it here and it resonated with me then. I have just re-read it and it is still just as powerful ....

Mark  Daniels

This was fun to read! The delight comes through each line. Good for you!


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