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October 23, 2006



Yes, I agree. I am so hoping he does not become corrupted by the system. Somehow, though, after having read his book cover to cover, I can't imagine it happening. There is something so fresh in his authenticity. I am choosing to have the "audacity to hope" for him to shed some light on these very dark times.


I too am ready for Obama, and would vote for him today. We need to cling to the hope that by the time HE is ready to run, he will not have been ruined by the DNC. So many otherwise good people have been morphed into monsters when the DNC or RNC gets a hold of them. And then there are a few now and again who are monsters before they can spell President. To wit ... current occupier of White House...


I, too, have been impressed with the potential of Barack since first hearing him speak.

I would be quite interested in knowng what people are part of his team. Lessons we should not forget are, just how little influence a president can sometimes have, and just how important can be the influence of individuals in a president's sphere. We should be thinking about that with regard to all of our candidates in various positions of power.

The last time I felt a similar enthusiasm for a future potential candidate was when Colin Powell left military to enter the private realm. I think he was a great talent, had the potential for being a great statesman for this country. Regrettably, from my point of view, in his early debate with himself over party, he aligned himself with the wrong team, then adhered too closely with the military code of deferring to the superior officer ...a loss for all of us and the good of this country.

Barak is a breath of fresh air. May the fresh air wind keep blowing.


I learned a lot from reading his book, Joy, and he comes across as authentic to me. I love how you say he will breathe life into a country that is holding its breath. So true. More like a country that is choking! It sure feels like he is breathing life into me, personally, though!


Barack is from Illinois, so we are well aware of his assets and abilities Tamar. How refreshing he is. I hope he runs for President...he'd breathe some life into a country that has been holding its breath for far too long. He is an amazing person.

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