It all began with an e-mail:
"Believe it or not but I am staying near Philadelphia. I am here till Thursday 11th. and would love to see you if you feel so inclined. I have no idea what your plans, schedule etc are ..."
What a surprise. And, yes it was almost afternoon before I found you again, old friend. Trying to catch up on twenty five years separation within the eight hours at our disposal. Dropping everything. Work, work-out, whatever the day's plans originally held for me, pushed, shoved, thrown aside ecstatically just to spend the time with you again. What a gift. Talking, exploring, examining, sharing, reflecting, walking, eating, drinking.
I found myself staring at you, drinking in your presence, realizing just how much I have missed you. Forgiveness, reconciliation, remembering vividly the minutest of details of times, moments in our past, understanding about how complex life is ... was ... and all that matters is right here, right now.
I was sad to say goodbye. Still so much left to say, to share. But relieved, fulfilled and joyous to have you in my life again.
And, of course, we will meet again. Soon. Long before twenty five years can pass between us again.