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October 02, 2006



Yes, joared. Isn't it interesting how some will choose to repeat the abuse and others will break those patterns? I think about that a lot. Last night I heard how congress wants to spend 20 million on a victory party about Iraq. It made my blood boil! Let's first work on making children safe - somewhere, anywhere.


I couldn't agree more with this line:

"We must have a place where children can have a whole group of adults they can trust." Margaret Mead

There is no greater sin than the violation of a child's trust. The repercussions can linger throughout the rest of that child's life.

As you say, they do not have to perpetrate on others what was done to them. Seems to me that as adults we have something known as free will.

There seem to be fewer and fewer places and maybe even people, that children, adolescents, young adults can trust.

This is a sad commentary on our culture and society in general.


Hi MaryB,
Our time will come - you wait and see - just you and me! Hang in there!

Thank you.


"We must have a place where children can have a whole group of adults they can trust." Margaret Mead

This is so true ~~ I wish all children could have such a place.

Your posts are inspiring :}


You have GOT to stop sneaking into town and not letting me know! :-) Glad you had a good weekend here. Thanks for the food/exhibit tips -

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