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« Out of my dreams | Main | Fur Elise »

October 31, 2006



No I am not thinking of taking flight physically - like to a new country (although one never knows what the future holds) but I *am* curious about the next nineteen years. I think I might be moving on psychologically though, because I am feeling so much more confident and changed in ways that are still unfolding.

Hey fp!
You are right - I had to look up that expression - at first it was "lost" on me!! But, you know me - an fp fan always and forever - cash-bar, cashah! - wherever you go there I'll be!

Thanks so much for the link and trackback.


Where to next? "Come with me to the Cash Bar."

But wait... that send-up of the oddball old movie line is probably lost on someone who spent those early years so far away from American cartoon culture.

here's a reference point...


Wow, a world citizen. Are you really thinking of taking flight?

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