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« We greet the day together | Main | Here I am »

November 27, 2006



I love those angels too. I have quote a few and I must admit I collect them. Am hoping that Santa will plop one in my stocking this year! There is a gorgeous father and son one that I really, really want. Thanks so much for your kind words about Tom and Gilad. "Just because" gifts are the very very best. I adore those! Giving and receiving them!

Fran aka Redondowriter

I am entering this holiday season with such ambivalence, so your thoughtful post is helpful in getting it all into perspective. I love your angel; I have two of them by the same artist given as gifts--one carrying a dog, to approximate Cookie and me.

Speaking of gifts, last night one of my journal ladies brought me a gift which I opened at bedtime after the others had gone. It was a just because gift--a beautiful red fleece sweat jacket. By the way, I just looked at your family photo album. Tom is very handsome and your son is, too.


Am so pleased you enjoy the link. I know, it is grand to be linked to! I get a kick out of seeing that when it happens to me too! Let's spread the joy around, eh? Thanks so much for your very, very kind words to me.


You have a beautiful view through your eyes of what the season should be for everyone. It's very childlike...and that's what makes it so special. I love the view Tamar. You are a very giving person, and no matter what your reasons can never be wrong. You so deserve every warm comment and token of love that comes your way; and I hope you truly come to realize that.
Thank you for the very nice mention and the link love. did it again!

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