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November 17, 2006



Yes, Janna, you know how all of this feels. Thank you for your support and encouragement about this.


"Instead of enveloping the children in their mental and physical embrace, a few of my students choose to sit back and scorn the school culture, despising the teachers who host them."

Oh, this makes me so mad. Give 'em hell, Tamar!


Yes, of course, Always Question, if they make the effort that is important too. Am worried though that a few are not even making the effort, so paralyzed by feeling superior or seated in judgement the way they are.


Good point about "white privilege" although I don't know that it's unique to privileged whites. I hear comments from co-workers about every time I work at the food bank which lead me to conclude that they see themselves as "other" than the people we're there to serve. Still, they're there making some effort, and that has to count for something even if they don't entirely get the point.

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