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« One busy woman | Main | Hey! My vote counts! »

November 07, 2006



What a great comment! Yes indeed, I hope we can meet one day somewhere here or there! By the way, the conference is terrific. All the energy and fun when 20,000 early childhood professionals of all kinds get together! Wow!

ainelivia, yes indeed - your candle brought us light!


Hi again, dear namesake! We corresponded this summer briefly. I continue to marvel at the depth and detail of your sharing (e.g., your sister El's support and love) and at parallels in our lives. Reading that you are now in Atlanta -- one of my two homes (the other being Israel) frustrates me so. How I would have enjoyed meeting, if time allowed, between your NAEYC sessions. And, yes, another parallel... it wasn't that many decades ago when I wouldn't miss these annual conferences, even presented at a few. So, in Atlanta or Tel Aviv... or who-knows-where, here's to our chance to meet. Meanwhile, blog on. -- Tamar


Nov 8th. No cos I don't have a vote. But I did a lot of hoping and last night lit a candle. And isn't it wonderful.


Rhea! Wonderful news. Thumbs up. Very exciting indeed. Thanks so much for sharing this.


I voted this morning. The polls say we are finally going to get the Massachusetts governor's office back in Democratic control. And the Democrat is a black man! History in the making!

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