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November 25, 2006



Winston, Kim and Joy,
Your comments are received with much appreciation. Indeed, they move me deeply and I feel almost speechless from your support, encouragement and understanding. Thank you all so much.


Wonderful post and writing, it captured my attention from the first sentence!

I feel so much of what you said here. I write as an act of creation. And I too, am often surprised with the revelation that arises in the writing.

I too have had to learn about hurting others. Living authentically, or as close as we are able to, does bring pain. But, for me, the pain of living inauthentically is greater, even if sometimes deferred.

I thank you for being willing to make your journey so transparent and for being able to capture the process so eloquently. It keeps me coming back for more :-).



This is an amazing post of your very best, I think. Cathartic to say the least...for YOU and the reader. You have figured it out. You know what hasn't worked for you in the past, and what does in the present. That's really all that matters in the final analysis. The pieces of one's life are complex. You've dug down deeply to investigate and figure it out...a place where many people won't go. Naturally, you've unveiled a lot in the process, and much of it is painful, but more of it's been good...for you. We, your readers, have been through a lot of this expedition with you. We've seen some of your life discoveries and read what you've uncovered about yourself.

What a beautiful journey for a very beautiful person....who may not have always believed that; but who may now be glimpsing its possible truth.


Over the past couple of years I have watched and listened and observed and felt your uneasy questioning of your writing, your purpose, your self. Along with others, I have offered up meager support in the only way we knew, with comments not intended to point a direction for you, but simply to keep you upright, to momentarily keep you from falling over until you found the answers for yourself. Like a father with the occasional stabilizing hand while the child learns to ride a bicycle. It seems you have done so. Your second paragraph starts:

"Lately, I write for myself."

and ends with:

"It is, in fact, the safest form of self-expression I know."

Those are the only answers there are. If that does not satisfy your need, then perhaps some other activity would be more pleasing. But I for one look forward to continuing to read your work, which is expressed with a candor and confidence not evident in your earlier blog writing. Your old blog title "In and Out of Confidence" said it all, but no longer applies.

And, yes, I agree with Jean ... you are a "lovely woman". I will add "a beautiful person"...


Thank you for your comment. And especially for calling me a "lovely woman." That was so kind and supportive. I think *you* are a lovely woman! Am always amazed by our parallel journeys and feelings about things. Can you imagine when we finally get together for a tea somewhere? : )

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