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« It's a thin line ... | Main | Hearing my call (Update) »

December 08, 2006



Dear Winston and Adriana,
Am grateful you stopped by to share this with me. Thank you.

Adriana Bliss

What beautiful words by Yoko Ono - thank you for bringing this here. The newspaper this morning, L.A. Times, touted Bush's continued belief in the Iraq war despite the findings of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group. He talks in terms of "success"...there's a "slow pace of success." I feel so sad for our world.


Wonderful thoughts from both John and Yoko. Where have we gone wrong? We lost the feelings, the love, the tolerance, the peace. We knew those things in the 60s and 70s. Some of the very people who have led us down the road to hell were young and bright and aware in those days -- a part of our generation, and part of John Lennon's world of love and peace. Did they never believe? Or did they just turn bad, rotting from the inside out?

Thanks for posting this Tamar. We all need to sit still and reflect a bit...

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