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December 12, 2006



Thanks for your comment, Winston.


A most amazing revelation from the heart. That took courage, Tamarika, lots of strength and courage. I went back and re-read your "Hearing my call (Update)" post from a couple of days ago, then re-read this one. I must admit some confusion in reconciling the anguish you express here with the joy and elation you felt then. It is not important that we understand those component parts of your makeup, but it is so very important that you are at peace with them. That is my Holiday wish for you.


An amazing story this is! Connection through the color of orange serpents.
We are sistahs!


Synchronicities shouldn't surprise us, but as I read your post my mouth dropped open. On Saturday I had a powerful experience of dancing with serpents and it all started with my mostly orange sarong-scarf... that turned into a 'snake' on the dancefloor! I wrote the piece on the day Pinochet died. Posted it tonight here: Access to deep chthonic energy, the mysteries of transformation and healing must be in the ascendancy. My tactile vision has ended the little book I've been writing over the last month, too (or almost). While I don't tend to think that your profound journey and mine are similar, the orange serpent, oh, that came to us both, somehow! xo


Yes, I can see how the pain was a surprise. But a good one nonetheless.

It is comforting to know that others are on the journey with us.

Thank you for that comfort.


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